Once the search, by name of the doctor/therapist or by specialty is done, you arrive to the profile page of the practitioner or the healthcare center, where you can book an appointment (on the right side of the page):
- Choose the location if more than one is available;
- Choose a healthcare professional if more than one is available;
- Indicate whether you are new patient or already an established patient if you are asked to precise;
- Choose between an on-site consultation or a remote (video) consultation if it’s offered to you;
- Choose a visit reason for consultation from the drop-down list;
(If none of the suggested visit reasons correspond to your search, then you will need to contact the practitioner directly by phone to see the possible alternatives.)
- Pick a time slot that suits you from the slots offered
- Click on “View more time slots” to see the available time slots for the entire day
- Click on the right-hand arrow to see the time slots available for more days
- Click on the time slot that suits you to book the appointment.
- You are then redirected to the identification page. If you already have an account, you can simply sign in. If not, you can register. For more details, see the article “How to create an OneDoc account”
Impossible to book an appointment?
If the practitioner’s calendar does not show any availability and the words: “No online availability these next days”, it means that the practitioner has not yet opened new time slots for online booking.
You can therefore try booking your appointment a little later, or contact the practitioner directly by phone to book an appointment.
Note: OneDoc is a service that offers online medical appointment booking for patients. You cannot under any circumstances contact the healthcare professionals directly via OneDoc.